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24 September 2017 

~ Benjamin Ardé

Founding Pastor at Arc®

Many in the business world shall be disrupted. Many of them shall freak out. Fear not, for it shall be for the good. I will put My Joseph’s, I will put My ones in place. 


That which would want to squeeze and destroy – the serpent’s head shall be cut off. 

It shall be a kneeling down. It shall be a surrender from the top to the bottom. I am bringing this about.

There shall be a crisis in the land. It is nigh. It shall be a great crisis that shall come, but it shall draw My people to seek the face of God. Fear not when it comes.


Know that I am God. Know that I see. Know that I observe. Know that I am using it for My glory. 


Then you shall see who are the ones that carry My Word. A new authority, a fresh authority, a fresh power – it shall not be watered anymore. That which has been diluted shall not stand for many that have taken of that, they shall die. They shall die in that place. They shall not be sustainable, that which has been diluted, for there shall be a great hunger for the freshness, for the Bread, for the Word, for the Word and for the Spirit. 


It’s going to happen very quickly. 


Many are those that have diluted and diluted. They shall find themselves running dry for I shall turn their lights off. The lights are going off – out, out, out. They’re out. No more. Out, out, out, out.’

I shall deal with the idols. Many things shall come crashing down. And those that have not prepared shall freak out for there shall be nowhere to go. But those that have found the refuge shall be shielded and protected, and I have the wealth prepared for this hour and for this time.


I shall come with a great weight of My glory and My presence behind the house and behind the man of God. The Spirit of conviction shall be there, and a conviction of sin shall be there. Many shall come and run to the altar, for mass repentance shall begin. I have stayed away for a while, but My weight, My heavy weight, that which reveals the secrets – that which reveals the hearts.

There shall be much rejoicing, but there shall be much stillness for I will meet with you in a place of peace. I shall bring you to that place of peace, a tranquility from many storms. A tranquility that is supernatural, that shall come upon many in this hour. For it’s a peace that surpasses understanding that brings authority over circumstance. 


This is a gift that I am releasing to those that have called on Me in this season. Praise Me for it, for it’s coming,” says the Lord. 

Prophetic Word

24 September 2017 

~ Benjamin Ardé

Founding Pastor at Arc®

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